Nick Vujicic – Just Get Back Up!
We’re all human. We are made of flesh and blood. We all have feelings. We all face challenges....
I Can Fly
This text will be replaced I travel alot, but it’s seldom for pleasure. Recently, I was able to...

Why Do You Suck At Making Money?
Anyone who says “Money is the root of all evil” simply doesn’t have any and most likely never...

UFC Former Champion Diggs Kick Ass Sales Pages!
This is actually a pretty cool story that you might enjoy and it’s about 4 months overdue… lol...
Natural Ability or Learned Skill ?
Sorry Henry- No such thing as “The gift of gab” that’s just silly. Selling is a learned skill....
What Is Butterfly Marketing 2.0 ?
The REAL scoop behind all this Butterfly stuff! Alright… I’ve had over a dozen emails asking for me...
Yanik Silver Underground Online Seminar 005
What you are seeing all here is an animoto slideshow of the stills taken by Lucius at Yanik...
Wi-Fi On Southwest Airlines
So I board the plane on a trip from Orlando (MCO) to Long Island (ISP) en route to...
Peanuts And Public Speaking
Public speaking is all about being prepared. The more knowledgeable you are on a subject the more confident...
A Champions Creed
If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you’d...
John Thornhill Masterclass
If you’d like to know exactly how I got to the level of 10k per month online in...

An Online Can Of Whoop Ass
A couple of days ago one of my subscribers sent me this email asking some pretty bold and...
Are You On A Mac Yet?
For so long I resisted the temptation of buying a mac. I was so afraid of loosing Windows…...
New Years Bash 2009
What a blast! Melinda and I brought in 2009 with my cousin DJ Al “Go Go” Garcia We...
Don’t Be Frightened!
My buddy Dave Nicholson is actually experimenting with some new Blog themes for me. So in the meantime…...
What Does 9-11 Mean To You?
9-11 is a very sad day for me. As you may know, I was a New York City...
Paula Brett! Who Would’ve Thought?
Some say I’ve had a bit of success in a short period of time. I must give credit...
World Ends At 10:00 … News At 11:00 … Hurricane Fay vs Tropical Storm
World Ends At 10… News at 11 Oh the media. Don’t you just love the spin? Here in...
The Gateway To Wealth
All I have to say is… “Offline Events Rock!” especially if its being run by Keith Wellman and...
The FINAL JV Contest Rankings for KASP
Well… The launch has been phenomenal! I want to thank all those that participated in one way or...