Close The Sale
A.B.C. = Always Be Closing . . . So often I see marketers and sales professionals making this...
Attitude is everything.
I just spoke at a seminar for sales managers and the topic of recruiting came up. In todays...
The Strategic Pause.
I often get asked “What is the most important thing I can say to close the sale?” My...
Know Your Target Market
Buyers come in all shapes, colors and ages. A big mistake often made by marketers and sales people...
The Entrepreneur Predator
I think any marketer that has ever done business on the internet has fallen victim at one time...
Missing Your Goals?
The psyche of a marketer and sales professional is very unique. We all possess some very common characteristics....
Building and Re-Building Value In Your Product with “BULLETS”
Regardless of what your selling or how your selling it the prospect must see the value in your...
Raising impulse from “Zero” to “Purchase Now”
Selling is about raising impulse. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing can effect your sales success more than...
Are you afraid to sell?
A well respected financial journal recently published the results of a national survey they conducted in America. The...
To build or not to build.
I remember back when modems were a table top device that you put your telephone receiver into. First...
Welcome to my blog!
Yes! It’s finally here! My blog will surely replace prime time television in at least 80% of American...