World Ends At 10… News at 11
Oh the media. Don’t you just love the spin?
Here in the United States the liberal media puts a spin on everything. They just love to point out the bad in every single situation. Consider this… when was the last time you tuned to the news broadcast and actually heard GOOD news? Ever? So are we to believe that absolutely nothing good happened on the planet today? Of course not, but if it was up to the media, they would have you believe that the world is ending at 10:00 PM tonight.
I’m usually so good about filtering out the hype and drawing my own conclusions from various sources. Unfortunately the public is not as cautious and they fall victim to all the propaganda nonsense. Take the war in Iraq for instance, perfect example. All we hear is the bad, and the worst. How about the good stuff that all of our soldiers are accomplishing over there how about all of the war heroes? Why don’t they ever put a war hero on prime time?
Well I must admit that I became a victim today! Yes I fell for the propaganda and I FREAKED OUT with the whole “Hurricane Fay” propaganda. Let me tell you, the media had me shaking in my pants this morning thinking that this was going to be the storm of the century! I rushed home from work… I slapped on the shudders and got everything prepared only to find out that this thing is still just a tropical storm on the opposite side of Florida!
Don’t get me wrong… it doesn’t hurt to be prepared but It makes no sense to panic. I wonder how many people out there are still freaking out about this “Hurricane Fay” and by the way, if any of you know why all the bad storms are named after women do let me know. That’s a curious one. Is it because come in hard, destroy your life and then fade away into the night? Or is there a scientific explanation that eludes me?
The lesson to be learned here is this: Don’t ever underestimate the power of persuasion. Apply the “Hurricane Theory” to your online sales business. BUT DO IT RESPONSIBLY. There’s nothing wrong with creating a buzz and hype over your products as long as your descriptions are accurate. Misleading people will always come around and bite you in the badonkadonk.
To Your Success,